Wednesday 26 June 2013

Short Summer Beauty Haul

I thought I should share my latest two additions to my beauty product family, which I picked up a few weeks ago at Victoria's Secret. The PINK section had a great of choosing two beauty products, so I picked up the body mist and body butter from the "sun kissed" line. Both smell gorgeously like coconut water and warm vanilla, what makes them a true summer fragrance for beach, parties or long walks along the coast. The body butter contains a sheer shimmer what gives the skin a perfect summer glow. However does the scent not last for very long so I would recommend using the body butter first and then layering with the body mist for getting longer lasting fragrance. Even thought it's a body butter, it's texture is quiet light and quickly absorbed by the skin what makes it perfect for summer.

I'm so excited for summer to finally arrive and these two guys will definitely be two of my favourites!

Have you purchased any new beauty products recently? What did you get? Leave me a comment below, I'm so interested!

Bildschirmfoto 2013-06-25 um 16.55.36.png
the body mist even got some polka dots on it, so cute!


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